Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Yogyakarta Palace

The width of Yogyakarta palace is 1.3 kilometers square and it is devided by 7 parts which in Hinduism faith the number of 7 is the perfect number. This deviding to be 7 parts is mentioned as The Seven Steps to Heaven. The deviding of Yogyakarta Palaces to 7 parts are : 1st area which consists of North Aloon-aloon until North Siti Hinggil, 2nd area consists of North Kemandungan, 3rd area consists of Sri Manganti, 4th area consists of the centre of Palace, 5th area consists of Kemagangan, South Kemadungan, South Aloon-aloon until South Siti Hinggil.

The center of Palace is the place for the King living and the place for palace’s heirlooms. This place is covered by Kedhaton yard and after that Kemagangan then Kemandhungan and Aloon-aloon as the outer part of palace.

In the outer part there are North Aloon-aloon, South Aloon-aloon and Kepatihan. In North Aloon-aloon there can be found Great Mosque, Pekapalan, Pagelaran and Pasar which form Catur Gatara Tunggal. South Aloon-aloon there can be found Kandang Gajah, and Kepatihan is for the infrastucture of Military needed.

The second parts are North Siti Hinggil and South Siti Hinggil. Siti Hinggil is the yard which heightened. In the North Siti Hinggil there are Witana hall and Manguntur Tangkil hall which the King usually use it as ceremonial place whereas South Siti Hinggil usually used to more private activities.

The third parts are North Kemadhungan yard and South Kemadhungan yard. After the Kemadhungan yard there are a place as transition space before enter the center of palace. They are mentioned as Pancaniti in the north and Kemandhungan in the south.

Sri Manganti is the waiting room before meet the King. In the north usually mentioned as Trajumas and in the south mentioned as Kemagangan.

As for the center of palace there is hall mentioned Kedhaton with generally like Javanese building. The Building forms with 4 components, there are mentioned as Tratag, Pendhopo, Peringgitan and Dalem.

source: http://tourism-joglosmart.blogspot.com/

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