Jumat, 16 Januari 2009


Rhinoceros sondaicus

Natural spread:

also like the Indian tank-rhinoceros hears the Java-rhinoceros into the type of the tank-rhinoceroses. All together the Java-rhinoceros is the tank-rhinoceros very similarly, only it remains somewhat smaller normally and also somewhat easier. Likewise, its horn is even smaller than this of the tank-rhinoceros. And finally the shoulder-pleat flows together over both shoulder-leaves on the back.

Way of life We know even less than over the other rhinoceroses about the way of life of the Java-rhinoceros. It lives in the tropical mountain-forests, always near water-places and Schlammsuhlen, as a loner. Not rarely, we find it also of flowing waters and even in coast-proximity. The males wander around in its spread-area around, while the females, like which defended the tank-rhinoceroses, in solid, residential-areas lives. To the places of the eating, the animals often hike far on left and constantly again-used paths. At its feed-places, they take foliage mainly to itself.

In contrast to the tank-rhinoceroses, Java-rhinoceroses don’t know any territorial-markings. Merely the males splash urine against bushes and trees. However, these brown-red ones until orange urine-brands don’t possess the value of an area-marking but don’t document merely different males the presence of a bull and works repulsively on the other sex-comrades. The animals either place its dung into brooks also from or on extended, common “dung-fields.” According to the season, the rhinoceroses visit other wallows and bath-places. Not rarely, one finds the well swimming animals also in estuaries and Meeresbuchten.

Endangering Through the many-layered influence of the human being, the Java-rhinoceros is acutely threatened by the extinction. The entire continuance is estimated at only 60 animals. It was therefore subordinated the protection by the Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen.

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