Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Gedongsongo Temple

Up in the clouds around Mt. Ungaran to the south of Semarang perched atop the peaks of the foot-hills, are the Gedong Songo - group of nine small Hinduistic temples. They are almost as old as those of Dieng, being built, it is believed, in the 8th or 9th century. Like the temple of Dieng, their history, too, is unknown.

The area has a number of volcanic vents which, as with Dieng, probably added to the awe in which the locality was once held. It appears to have been a rite of purification to walk from hill to hill, up and down the winding paths between, making pilgrimage to all the temple in turn.

Situated about 5 Kms from Bandungan. There are three routes to reach Bandungan. From Ambarawa which about 7 Kms away, a by pass is also available from Ungaran and from the town of the Temanggung via Sumowono sub district about 30 Kms.

source: http://tourism-joglosmart.blogspot.com/

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